Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Full details about yesterday's Facebook outage; plus exclusive quote from secret 'inside' source

Last night's Facebook outage affected a huge number of users meaning that millions couldn't gain access to the Social Network.

When asked for comment, Facebook responded "We have dedicated servers that process photos, videos, Pages and Groups all separately to ensure that we can maintain service with no disruption. Yesterday's outage was a result of bringing several new servers on-line. The main server, our most powerful to date, was designed to auto-correct spelling and grammar mistakes; with the second most powerful brought on-line to process pointless posts (pictures that tell you to 'Like' to prove that you're pro/against an arbitrary issue or share to prove that you're not a loser with few friends).

Unfortunately, we severely underestimated the scale of just how poor [English speaker's] command of the English language really is and the unmitigated shit people will post and/or share on their Facebook profiles.

This is no excuse of course and we worked very, very hard to fix these issues. Unfortunately, we actually can't find any rule that allows us to delete their profiles, so we just turned the servers off; sorry."

A technical support source close to the core of the Facebook server farm (though, not thought to be Neo) tweeted "WTF, lol" shortly after the server stack started to buckle under the weight of language distortion, absence of meaningful punctuation and ridiculous pictures of cats saying equally ridiculous things.

If this makes you smile, you're welcome. If this offends you, think very carefully as to why.

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