Thursday, January 24, 2013

A one man whistle stop tour of Les Miserables

If you're like me and you have a penchant for the dramatic and musical theatre, you will likely be no stranger to Les Miserables and the [now] countless versions of it.

However, you may not have heard Nick Pitera's one man show, where he really remarkably battles all parts by himself.  Not only does he get props for the production of the video (which I think is pretty cool too), but whether you're a fan of his voice or not, you have to recognise that he has quite an impressive range.

Anyway, far be it from me to become a YouTube sycophant; but I do like to share videos that leave a lasting impression on me; and as the poor folks next door can attest to, I have enjoyed this quite a lot (and quite loud too).

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